

Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Can you ban people that use acronyms on here? :D
If this software has the "censoring feature" for the "Seven Words You Can't Say on TV" is is possible to convert all the YMMVs, IMOs, IMEs, FWIW's to be the full expression? I've been around the net for a while and still see acronyms that I go :confused: when reading them.
I assume by the smiley that you're (somewhat) joking. We have more acronyms in aviation than I've seen anywhere (except maybe in the Navy). Just be glad there's nobody here typing like my son does in all his IMs (Instant Messaging). It's more cryptic than hyroglyphics! :)
Maybe we should ban untranslated TAF's and METAR's too ;) ;) ;)

Seriously, might be cool if we could create links to common reference sites, like the one that has the translations for TAF/METAR, net acronyms, chart legends, and the like....
gkainz said:
I assume by the smiley that you're (somewhat) joking....
Actually, I'm not. If the feature is available and doesn't cost a lot, as a Management Team, we'll consider adding it. We're trying to be proactive and keep everyone as happy as we can. :D
I was jesting about the banning. I was referring to the non aviation acronyms. I think I spent 4 weeks trying to figure out what IME meant - which is why it might be helpful to have a filter that spells it out. We do that on another board that I frequent. Actually what it does is replace certain cuss words with PG replacements.
N2212R said:
I was jesting about the banning. I was referring to the non aviation acronyms. I think I spent 4 weeks trying to figure out what IME meant.
I knew you were kidding. ;)

FWIW, I've been on the Internet and in 'online' environments since I was thirteen...that's 24 years...and I still find acronyms that I have to look up!
Sorry, Brian. I was replying to Ed and the original post. Didn't mean to imply that the solution was a joke.
Thanks for all your hard work on this board! :cheerio:
gkainz said:
Sorry, Brian. I was replying to Ed and the original post. Didn't mean to imply that the solution was a joke.
Thanks for all your hard work on this board! :cheerio:
Ah, didn't catch that. I read things directly down unless it's quoted. Bad habit. :D

It's not hard work if you enjoy it. ;)
Brian Austin said:
It's not hard work if you enjoy it. ;)

Agreed! I should have said dedicated work! I've been doing database work so long that I've forgotten the enjoyment I used to find in it.

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