

May 12, 2005
Spokane, WA
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Our assignment to Germany has been CANCELLED!!! :( :( :( :( :(

There is an upside, though. My wife has been granted a command: 27th Communications Squadron, Cannon AFB, New Mexico. So now I'll be looking for a job out there. There seem to be a few FBOs at the Clovis airport.
rcaligan said:
Our assignment to Germany has been CANCELLED!!! :( :( :( :( :(

There is an upside, though. My wife has been granted a command: 27th Communications Squadron, Cannon AFB, New Mexico. So now I'll be looking for a job out there. There seem to be a few FBOs at the Clovis airport.

Awesome. New Mexico is an awesome place, and Cannon is far enough away from the only parts of New Mexico that suck: Albuquerque (for sheer crime and nastiness) and Espanola (for its rampant drug use and heroin supply).

I love this state tho. The skies are so beautiful, cost of living is so low, and the wages are decent enough to pretty much live comfortably. Just remember, cost of living is low. $6.50 an hour is not a bad wage out here :D

Edit: oh - and I'm here. What could be better :D :D :D
Congrats on your wife's new command!! I liked New Mexico when I was there, and unlike Nick even liked Albuquerque.
Cannon will definitely be interesting. Here's the difficulty: Thanks to the 2005 BRAC, Cannon must find a new mission or she'll be their last comm squadron commander.

There's a 141 school at the Clovis Airport plus 1 or 2 other FBOs. I'll try to teach out there. The elevation is around 4200 feet with high temps in the 90's. I've done all my flying near sea level, so high density altitude training will be fun. More resume padding for whatever lies ahead.
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