A trip along the "Dam busters" dams


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 3, 2014
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The defeat of the German army at Stalingrad in the beginning of 1943 was the turning point of the war in Europe. After Stalingrad, the Red Army had the initiative, and the Wehrmacht was in retreat.

The Russians felt that the west was not contributing enough. Already early in the war the RAF had decided to target the dams that supplied water and hydroelectric power to the German war industries in the Ruhr industrial areas.

The RAF attacked three German dams in May of 1943. Although the impact of the attack on the German war production was limited, the pictures of the broken dams proved to be a propaganda and morale boost to the British, to show the Americans that the British were capable of something, and the Soviet Union was given a sop in place of a Second Front in 1943.


A trip report with pictures can be found here

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I've done this in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Real cool to see the historical places
Good stuff, OP - thanks for posting!
The movie is halfway decent as well if you get a chance to watch it.