A British Beauty

Dave that was great thanks for posting it. To me a plane like that is as beautiful a piece of art as the mona lisa.
Great video.

RAF Duxford is also a great place to visit. It is NE of London a bit, near Cambridge. I lived not too far from there and would often visit the museum that is there. The first Concord was on display as were many UK and European planes from both wars that we seldom get to see in the US. While I was there the US government donated a B52 and it was a sight to see land there. It was one of the shortest landing a B52 had ever done.

There was also a very nice Dakota (C47) that was there. I spoke to the pilot several times, when I saw him, about the plane. It was only later I realized that when he told me his name was David that I figured out who he really is. He is David Gilmour of Pink Floyd.
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