A boy Named Kyle who is a future aviation engineer

John J

Line Up and Wait
Feb 24, 2005
Tilghman, Maryland
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I have a wonderful neighbor who I met 4 months ago. He is only 11 and yet I have learned so much from him.. His name is Kyle and is 11 years old. He has in his short life being at the helm of a Deadrize fishihng boat on the Chesapeake Bay. He has made small engines from sand molds and races small RV boats up to 100mph on the shallows of Tilghman. He comes over quite often to visit with me for he knows that he wants to fly. I got him models and I will take him to the airport to see the mechanics and for I feel that like me he loves getting his hands full of grease.

He loves everthing that has a engine or at least someway to make what he riides go fast. Now he is working on a electric moter that will make his bike got to 60 mph. I do love this kid for he has a mind after my own heart. I see him ever day testing in his back yard trying to make it work and yes once in a while it works with a loud roar. Also he is building a electric bike without batteries.

This is a kid who may or not go to college but I am going to help him to persue his dream to build and experience a passion.

Thank you for reading

John J
Wow! That's awesome! I hope you continue to post his and your progress and stories!
Wow! That's awesome! I hope you continue to post his and your progress and stories!

Thank you very much. It is so nice to see a kid who loves to learn and build. I will definately keep you up to date. We are going to the little airport where I fly out of to visit the maintanence hanger.

Thanks again

hope he gets to college and gets the technical training he needs to ratchet it all up one big leap - who knows what he could accomplish!
I hope that it will happen. Kyle's curiousity is like a hungry bear. He just reads and asks many great questions. I do keep my fingers crossed.

John J

I just wanted to let you know that I love all your little vignettes here! (I'd post on each and every one of them, but then I'd be accused of trying to pad my post count! :))

I just wanted to let you know that I love all your little vignettes here! (I'd post on each and every one of them, but then I'd be accused of trying to pad my post count! :))


Thank you for reading my notes I am working on writing the next book and my old scrap book I look to for refereneces. It floods my mind with so many memories. I am a slow writer unless I start at 0400 and write to 0600 each day.
I will keep you posted (no pun) on how Kyle is doing. I would never accuse you of padding your post count. :)

Thank you again

