5/29 Two Killed in Texas Trike Crash

My parents live on the lake just south of the airfield. We watch these guys fly all the time. Heard they caught a bad gust just before touchdown.
I've known two powered parachute instructors who decided to get into trikes so they could fly in more wind. They both died in trike accidents. Not knocking the type of aircraft, but it's been really windy in this area lately. I wonder if they pushed their limits.
I have to wonder if anyone monitors the inline, "related" content on some of these news stories.

Here's what I saw when I opened the link.
Why would the wind create a fatal accident situation (vs just bent metal). Is a trike a more solid wing like a hang glider or a chute like PPC?

ETA: trying to learn. If I'm in a C150 and blow the landing due to poor x wind control etc., I wouldn't expect that to be fatal. Expensive, maybe I get hurt but not fatal.

1. is that a flawed assumption?
2. Is it because there is nothing around you in a trike to absorb impact forces?
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Why would the wind create a fatal accident situation (vs just bent metal). Is a trike a more solid wing like a hang glider or a chute like PPC?

ETA: trying to learn. If I'm in a C150 and blow the landing due to poor x wind control etc., I wouldn't expect that to be fatal. Expensive, maybe I hired, but not fatal.

1. is that a flawed assumption?
2. Is it because there is nothing around you in a trike to absorb impact forces?
I suspect that #2 is the reason.

There's literally no significant structure around you and the motor and spinning blades of death are right behind you.
Why would the wind create a fatal accident situation (vs just bent metal). Is a trike a more solid wing like a hang glider or a chute like PPC?

ETA: trying to learn. If I'm in a C150 and blow the landing due to poor x wind control etc., I wouldn't expect that to be fatal. Expensive, maybe I hired, but not fatal.

1. is that a flawed assumption?
2. Is it because there is nothing around you in a trike to absorb impact forces?

Basically a large powered hang glider on wheels:


With no aerodynamic control, only weightshift, and a low stall speed, there are limits to the amount of wind and/or turbulence they can handle.
So what i hear from my dad who spoke with the investigator and viewed the scene:
The plane was over the threshold and a gust turned them to the left. They hit a tree and the wing wrapped around the tree. The trike continued thru the tree and into another tree beyond the edge of the field. Must have been a wicked gust. RIP and prayers for the families.