
  1. H

    Maintenance Hanger With Runway Access Limitations

    I am an appraiser working on a fairly unique appraisal problem. I have a large maintenance hanger space that has access limitation that require a 96 hour notice before aircraft can be moved from the hanger to the tarmac across a public roadway. The city requires notice before the tow-way can...
  2. T

    C172 G1000 Training & Rentals in Miami/South Florida?

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the Miami area, I just got down here for college at UM, and I am a private pilot looking to finish my IFR training (need 4 more hours + checkride) and I would like to establish a relationship with a flight school that has a C172 G1000 for rent. Does anyone know...
  3. T

    C172 G1000 Rental In Mimai?

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the Miami area, I just got down here for college at UM, and I am a private pilot looking to finish my IFR training (need 4 more hours + checkride) and I would like to establish a relationship with a flight school that has a C172 G1000 for rent. Does anyone know...
  4. C

    Rentals in Texas

    Hello all, new member here. I recently joined because I noticed a post where other users in Texas were having a hard time finding premium rentals which seems crazy given the size of our state and that we have some of the US's largest cities here. It seems in any city you can rent a Piper 1X0...