
  1. J

    Want To Buy AT-165 Transponder

    My Narco AT-150 went poop. Bench test says that it isn't repairable. I'm not quite ready to do a complete upgrade (already have ADSB out) on the transponder but think that a AT-165 side-n-replacement is a good option right now. So if anyone has done a panel upgrade and has an AT-165 lying...
  2. B

    For Sale Narco AT 155 TSO Transponder

    Narco AT 155 TSO transponder. Worked without problem when it was removed for a panel upgrade. What you see is what comes with. $100 + shipping OBO.
  3. patchntx

    Narco NCS 812: Need a parts breakdown from the service manual.

    Narco NCS 812: Need a parts breakdown from the service manual. My Mhz freq selector on the COM side is not functioning. I need to try and track down parts or find a cross reference part. I have been told Digikey has like parts but their parts numbers are not Narco numbers.