
  1. Mutiger

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    Amazing people of such importance can be flown into a mountain. Is it poor/inexperienced pilots or do they just fly IFR without ATC over there? How does this happen?
  2. E


    I am seriously considering one of these. I plan to go look at one, may take someone with me. I am a helicopter pilot, not a maintenance person though. What should I be looking for in the construction, configuration, etc. that a history of pre-flighting other helicopters (mostly turbine, but some...
  3. L

    Question to NYC chopper pilots

    Hi, Travelling past NYC we plan to do the "SFRA" 1000-1300 foot VFR route along Hudson (123.05) and East river (123.075). We also plan to book ahead and land at 6N5 heliport for the night. We have a Bell 505. So my question is: When coming in from the north on East River (123.075), following...
  4. L

    Trip along East coast US - Suggestions to land with chopper

    Hi all, In a few weeks a friend and myself will be flying a Bell 505 from tip of Florida to East coast Canada. Strictly VFR, so intend to fly below or outside the TMA's most of the time. Planning to spend approx 2 weeks on this part of the trip, where we plan to remain coastwise until past NYC...
  5. topgun260

    Border Patrol Helicopter Attempts To Disperse Protesters In Minnesota

    Apparently this angered the protesters. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/40969/watch-border-patrol-helicopters-apparent-attempt-to-disperse-protesters-with-its-downwash
  6. PhoenixFab

    Just getting started, Would you be so kind to give me some input on a career path?

    Hi All! I hope you are all having a nice day! I have been in love with planes and helicopters my entire life. I am 31, wife and kids, with a career I would have stayed in longer if not for the slow demise of the industry I am starting to see unfold. For the past 5 years I have been trying to...
  7. J

    Kobe Bryant dead in helicopter crash

  8. CessnaTom

    Experimental Helicopter

    https://baltimore.craigslist.org/bfs/d/experimental-helicopter-really/6529601277.html This looks like the Craft of the Day! Would you? Thoughts?
  9. B

    Helicopter license after PPL?

    Hi all, So I was talking with a pilot friend of mine and we were talking about how he just got his helicopter license. He has flown fixed wings for some time now and decided to jump into something different. I'm just about done with my PPL and want to entertain the idea of maybe getting a...
  10. Fifty Days

    Zulu.2 Heli like new

    Like new Zulu.2 with the coiled heli cord, battery powered with bluetooth and connects to the flightlink app. Works great. There is a small amount of paint peeling from the control box as with all the zulus, if it bothers you the factory will replace the control box for free. I bought it last...
  11. J

    Commerical Photography

    Hello all, I am new here! Nice to meet you all! I am a professional helicopter pilot, and I wanted to know if you all know of any groups or forums that hire pilots to do aerial photography--especially in the Southern California area? Looking to make a little extra money! Thanks so much!!