1st class medical

  1. D

    Lengthly medical history for aspiring pilot

    Hello, I been interested in learning to fly and ultimately making it a career. Went to my local flight school and got information on how to get started. I was told I should do my FAA medical exam first. I’m a little concerned if I’ll have my FAA medical approved. I’m 24 and last year suddenly I...
  2. Y

    FAA 1st Class medical Deferral

    Hello all! new to the forum but have been poking around other related posts for awhile now. My situation is this. I was diagnosed with add in middle school,i was struggling in class and my parents thought it would be a good idea to get me drugged up. 1 appointment later I was prescribed adderal...
  3. A

    1st class medical question

    Hey folks! Just discovered this forum and i would really appreciate some insight. When i was 17 i was diagnosed with very mild dyskinesia and took prescription medication (carbamazepine) till i outgrew it at the age of 21. I’m 26 now haven’t had any issues with my health or mentally since then...