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  1. L

    Surface to 400mb wind projections as far out as possible

    Great! My confidence in you is unwavering! Thanks for your help.
  2. L

    Surface to 400mb wind projections as far out as possible

    Then how about Extreme Confidence? :goofy: Alas, I know beyond a certain date it all falls apart. The GFS is very interesting though. Actually for my needs accuracy is not that important, just "is the wind blowing or not" would probably suffice. On the GFS chart, the notation "10m-Wind"...
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    Surface to 400mb wind projections as far out as possible

    I am looking for the very best forecast tool/site for predicting wind direction and strength from the surface to 400mb as far down the road as possible. The further down the road the better, even if an experimental product. Anybody have ideas or suggestions? I'm already very familiar with the...
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    Very useful terminal weather page but confused

    Thanks Scott. I'll take a look at the workshop you offer. I see that your website is loaded with very useful information for today's pilot. Thanks for the site!
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    Very useful terminal weather page but confused

    thanks Scott. Since you know everything (well, almost) where is the best tutorial to find out how to use the Skew-T Log to determine convective activity and the chance of thunderstorms. Wouldn't it be great if we could get Skew T logs delivered to the cockpit?
  6. L

    G-airment notation confusion

    that does help and thank you very much for your insight.
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    G-airment notation confusion

    Ah ha! thank you Scott for that explanation. I did in fact look at your first listed workshop and did not find the answer there. I did, however, find it explained very clearly in the second workshop link. So let me make sure I understand, for example, in the attached graphic. The...
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    G-airment notation confusion

    then why not just notate freezing surface to FL150? Unless they want us to know that the the freezing level is from the surface to 5,000 so that, for example, we are in the clouds at 8,000 we would not expect icing, but then that does not compute because they already said moderate ice from...
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    G-airment notation confusion

    Hello All and I hope someone can explain the confusion I'm having over the G-Airmet keys. In the G-Airmet product a user clicks the Icing button and will see something like the image reproduced, below, or attached herewith. In the attached example, does it mean icing from surface...
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    bak40 vs. op40 in skew (t) log for icing conditions

    There is a fantastic weather related website at: which contains the best kept secret for determining icing conditions (the skew (t) log). The owner, Scott Dennstaedt who contributes to this forum has created probably the single most valuable weather related...
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    Very useful terminal weather page but confused

    thank you! I thought it was just me. Yes, please do report back that would be most helpful.
  12. L

    Very useful terminal weather page but confused

    See the image attached for what I mean. I have put in a big red arrow pointing to what I see at the logic behind my confusion (if that makes any sense). For example, if you now look at the predicted runway for the column 0300 hrs. you will see a box with the following information in it...
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    Very useful terminal weather page but confused

    True, it is green but the numbers in that box: R13-1-16 means a crosswind of 1 knot and a tailwind of 16. If you look to the row directly above the R13-1-16 notation and go to the first column, you will see: R-X-T which I'm presuming means Runway - Crosswind - Tailwind.
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    Very useful terminal weather page but confused

    There is a very useful terminal weather page for NYC airports at: which shows the terminal weather for NYC airports in excruciating detail. They even have a color coded chart with predicted runway usage based on forecasts. My question is this: On the chart...
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    Confusion: 12 Hr SFC Prog vs. 24 Hr SFC Prog

    Okay thanks for your help all. I understand it now. PROP!!
  16. L

    Confusion: 12 Hr SFC Prog vs. 24 Hr SFC Prog

    Okay, I think I got it now. I'm supposed to read the top-most column heading where it says "last updated", is that right? That will tell me which of the charts are the most recent. Is that right?
  17. L

    Confusion: 12 Hr SFC Prog vs. 24 Hr SFC Prog

    Hmmm... not really. I guess it would be helpful for my understanding if I knew the sequence in which I'm supposed to read them to get the most complete weather picture. Do I read along the 12 hr left to right, then drop down and read the 24 hr left to right?
  18. L

    Confusion: 12 Hr SFC Prog vs. 24 Hr SFC Prog

    Hello and good morning, I'm trying to discern the difference between the 12 and 24 hour SFC Prog. charts at this link: You will see in the chart two rows at the bottom one row labeled 12 Hr SFC and the row directly beneath it labeled 24 Hr SFC, yet...