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  1. M

    Safety stats, newer vs. older GA airplanes

    Airbags? Wings don't fall off frequently, nor do engines fail frequently. But the latter does happen. More in engines with more hours? Same?
  2. M

    Safety stats, newer vs. older GA airplanes

    Got my certificate just about three months ago, but a recent two fatality crash at a nearby airport I fly into regularly has unnerved me, and my wife, who had never before expressed concern about the safety of flying (we have three teenage kids...they don't think so all the time, but they still...
  3. M

    Safety stats, newer vs. older GA airplanes

    Anyone familiar with data on the safety of newer versus older GA airplanes, controlling for other factors (wx, pilot experience, maintenance, etc.). Are newer planes meaningfully safer, are they no safer, or is it too complicated to unpack, given all the factors? thx