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    Cockpit Firearm Discharge Damage

    He just got suspended. They can't find a good reason for "accidental" firing of the gun. Suspect mishandling. Right choice, seems to me. He had been properly trained in weapon use and was authorized to carry. "Accidental" won't cut it here.
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    CC across states

    So, if you're carrying and are forced to land in a state where it may be illegal (mech problem/need gas) you'd better have it well hidden and plan a fast departure ASAP. And, don't have a NRA decal on your windshield. I'd suppose.
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    CC across states

    So, should we now take this thread up a level, like carrying in your AC?
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    Good purchase questions to ask?

    How about checking out AOPA's website - if you're a member - for their "Tips On Buying Used Aircraft". And if you come close to a buying decision, check out their "Title Services" to ensure a clean title. Click on "A/C Valuation Services" link on the home page to use the info for both these...
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    Coffee or Tea?

    Love my coffee. Several times a day. Now I know why --- New research is confirming the near-miraculous health benefits associated with your morning cuppa coffee: 1. It can reduce diabetes risk up to 54%. 2. Cut colon cancer risk by 25%. 3. Cut your gallstone risk by 50%. 4. Reduce risk...
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    "Older pilots have more accidents."

    Thought this might stir up some comment here. Todays "Plane and Pilot" e-news letter references a study made by the Associated Press which concludes the number of aviation accidents increases with pilot age. They analyzed five years of FAA and NTSB accident data to reach their conclusion...
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    Unleaded price passes 100LL

    Did anyone watch a TV show a few days ago - I think on one of the Discovery channels - that was called "Cool Fuel"? The jist of it all was meant to direct attention to the growing interest in alternative fuels being used by people to power all sorts of vehicles using biodeisel variations and...
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    Loss of consciousness, cleared by neuro.

    I don't think Ron meant that as you have interpreted it. In my case, the one he was refering to, the loss of consciousness led to medical treatment. In that case reporting would be required. In the case you mention, I would think it should go unreported. That is, if it was an isolated and not a...
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    Loss of consciousness, cleared by neuro.

    While on this subject, I need to wonder how, when first applying for a Class3 student/Med cert - would a "loss of consciousness" be viewed if it occured fifteen years ago and all tests at the time found nothing wrong, and condition never recurred since? Would FAA put me through the mill for...
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    LSA rules

    Have read LSA pilots may not use towered airports unless they have had "additional training" in communications. What exactly does that "additional training" entail? Is it just a course and checkout in ATC communication afterwhich you are entitled to then use towered airports? Or does it actually...