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  1. F

    Leaseback Trainer

    Our flying club is getting off the ground this year and we're looking for an economical vfr/ifr trainer airplane that needs to get flown more.
  2. F

    CFI Initial - Write up

    Hey All, I wanted to give my experiences for the CFI-A Initial test. I used the Lubbock FSDO and I did a 3 day intensive training with I used my own mooney, a m20C model for the checkride. I have been practicing with friends (pilots) in the left seat and I have...
  3. F

    Wanted: Your IFR Materials (DVDs/Books)

    Hey all, I'm studying up for my Instrument written. I'm a very visual learner and would like to know if anybody has the King School IFR DVD's for sale. Any other instrument material I will consider as well! Thanks