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  1. J

    Heart Palpitations and 1st Class Medical

    Thanks for your feedback. Doesn't look like a huge deal breaker, just some hoops to jump through. Sounds like my next steps are to schedule a consultation with my AME to review the medical record and get the cardiology work up. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
  2. J

    Heart Palpitations and 1st Class Medical

    Well a follow up to this. Got the medical records back a lot quicker than I thought I would. Nurse’s notes say everything is normal but also says “feels further evaluation and work up is needed at this time” and that I go to an ER and get a cardiac work up “as soon as possible”. Did not go to an...
  3. J

    Heart Palpitations and 1st Class Medical

    Thanks for your reply. It wasn't an actual ER visit. Just one of those walk in clinics. Not sure if that makes a difference though. I Sent in the request for the full medical records and notes. Is there a best way to actually write down the visit on the medical form? As in how to word it?