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  1. Mileage

    Renting a 172 in the Carribbean

    Anyone have any experience renting 172s anywhere in the Caribbean? I'm considering vacation spots and would gravitate towards places where this is possible, if any.
  2. Mileage

    Different headings on different instruments

    The attached photo was taken in straight and level flight over Eastern Long Island. Going from left to right, the headings displayed by various instruments are: 279 on the G5 278 on the GTX 255-ish on the magnetic compass 260 on the GTN650 260 on the mounted ipad using Foreflight What might...
  3. Mileage

    200nm wide Florida TFR until Jan 19 to Feb 3

    There's a huge TFR over a big part of the Florida peninsula until Feb 3rd. Anyone know what this is for?