Search results

  1. shippjean

    Learning to Fly a Tail Dragger!

    In all honesty how many of you out there are interested in flying a tailwheel airplane. I work for a flight school at PTK and we are attempting to market our Citabria for rental and training, we are trying all kinds of marketing techniques, but we haven't gotten much do people...
  2. shippjean

    Flight Training!

    Everyone that is in the Michigan that is due for a BFR, IPC, or anything else...or just wants some new training should come to Sutton Aviation...we can get your BFR and IPC done in our Full IFR Citabria! Its great tail wheel time and an awesome flying experiance! See our add below and check out...
  3. shippjean

    Aerobatic Training

    If anyone is Locate near the PTK area there is an excelant aerobatic instruction at Sutton Aviation, just incase you were looking for something fun to do this summer! Happy Flying! ~Jeannie