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  1. S

    Getting started at 14?

    That's a great point, I'll definitely try to approach it from that direction. I haven't thought of it that way before, and maybe it'll help me stand out if "private pilot" is in my application. That's an awesome tip, thanks! (Also, I love that joke ) I think that's a good idea about focusing...
  2. S

    Getting started at 14?

    Wow, I was not expecting this many replies in such a small amount of time. To clarify, yes, I'm a girl. I'm looking into glider training in NC right now, hopefully I'll find something. It looks like there are a few EAA chapters in my area. The Ninety-Nines also seem interesting, thank you for...
  3. S

    Getting started at 14?

    Hello! I'm 14 years old, and I've always been interested in aviation. I haven't exactly been able to pursue these interests for a multitude of reasons, though. I've done a little research, and maybe the first step would be to go for an intro flight to get a feel for being at the controls. It...