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  1. M

    Grass Runway Landing Training

    Did my primary at Hayes Field, MD. 2200' of grass. Brett
  2. M

    If Burt Rutan Had Been a WWII Aircraft Engineer...

    Actually, I think he would have made it a "pusher" :goofy:
  3. M

    all tech support folks would enjoy this.

    Welcome to my life ....
  4. M

    Kennersly Airport, MD

    Try this ... gives a phone number. I use to live not far from there ... but can't say I ever heard of it. From the looks of where it is, make sure you miss the DC ADIZ and Dick's house on the Eastern Short. We don't want to read about you in the papers...
  5. M

    OSH lost and found

    No worries ... the MHC is much like the 60's .... if you remember it, you weren't really there. ;-)
  6. M

    "Airlines Brace for Shortage of Pilots"

    Na, won't be a problem ... they'll just turn to "cheap foreign labor". By 2020 I'd wager you are going to find a lot of cabin crews where English is the 2nd (or 3rd?) language. "Good afternooning! On behalf of Capt. Batswa myself, and copiloting Xicham, I would welcome you to flight!"...
  7. M

    'We have broken speed of light'

    The problem with the Mooney is that they put the deflector dish backwards ... just like the tail. :rofl:
  8. M

    [NA]Surge Protector[NA]

    Panamax They guarantee to replace your equipment, NOT just the surge protector if it gets fried. I started using them after I learned that it's what our local electric utility company used to protect their equipment.
  9. M

    Defective alternator cost

    Re: Collateral damage during maintenance/repairs/mods Dave, I agree with your points below. However, if you ever worked on anything I owned you would understand very quickly that none of that would be a problem. I have made it a point to buy quality equipment, and then take care of it...
  10. M

    Defective alternator cost

    Re: Defective alternator cost, my 2 cents worth If I bring something (Car, Boat, Motorcycle, radio, sewing machine, whatever) to a professional (ie, this is the business I'm in) service place, and something else gets broke during their service, it's their problem, not mine. Don't charge ME to...
  11. M

    Need Pro's/Con's of 'Flapped' landings

    Anybody wanna take any bets that his instructor learned on a plane with only 20 deg of flaps (or learned from an instructor that did), and hence thinks that is the "right way" to land?
  12. M

    Warning! Remain clear of Pennsylvania...

    Trivia ... thats where Dale Brown (Flight Of The Old Dog, SkyMasters, etc) went to college (in addition to Penn State).
  13. M

    Which is safer- a twin piston or a single turbine?

    And now my two cents! It's always been my thinking that in a twin, you are TWICE as likely to loose one than you are in a single. And in a twin with an engine out, unless you do some things pretty much exactly right, pretty quickly, you're better off just pulling BOTH throttles to idle...
  14. M

    Piper 28-160/180

    Considering all the "goodies" on it, and the low time on the engine ... that price probably isn't too far out of the ball park. Considering what I've read about your typical mission, this one should suite you just fine. Didn't take a look at where it is located, so the question would be is...
  15. M

    Brood XIII

    No threat to aircraft. They don't fly very far, very well, or very high. Tree to tree is about all they can manage. However, they MIGHT effect your flying as they are loud enough to possibly keep you up all night. If you are in the middle of a brood ... which could be well over 1 million...
  16. M

    Piper 28-160/180

    These two are a wash on that account. There will be MUCH greater difference caused by the initial condition of the aircraft, and how they are used (abused) than any inherent difference between the types. And yes, the extra 20 HP DOES make a difference! The only annual we had that was over...
  17. M

    Motorcycle -- spend my money

    I just bought a Honda Shadow Aero 750. Very nice, and under $7500, tax lic dealer prep and options. Previous rides were Honda CL-175, CB350, CB350/4 and CB500/4 ... the last being sold about 10 years ago after riding it for 20 years. This one is my first new bike ever ... all the previous...
  18. M

    Where have you lived?

    Here is my list, best as I can recall: Newark, NY Oswego, NY Elmira, NY (two addresses there) Olanta, PA Clearfield, PA (two addresses there) Bath, NY State College, PA (Penn State Grad) Glen Burnie, MD Arlington, VA Beltsville, MD Columbia, MD (two addresses there) Lexington, SC...
  19. M

    Should have kept my mouth shut

    Reminds me of an exchange in the movie "Heaven Can Wait" Football Team Owner: "Farnsworth asked me what I wanted for the team, I said $50 Million, and he said "OK". FTO Croney: "Ruthless bastard!"
  20. M

    Southwest doesn't give stars 1st class treatment

    Also known as "Jurasic-Jet" ;-)