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  1. F

    Deal or No Deal Flying Lessons

    I'm reformed...but they force you to watch romantic comedies in reality show-rehab. Couldn't sleep for days!
  2. F

    OK, what was the first plane where you sat in the pilot's seat?

    First time in the pilot seat... 1997 in a Harrier ( AV8-B ) while transiting the Mediterranean sea! We were deployed on the USS Nassau and the maint. crew let me climb in and turned on the aux pwr to light up the inst and HUD. I always wonder what it would feel like to pull max G's in it...
  3. F

    Found myself a long term co-pilot!

    Very cute pup...congrats on the family addition. Hopefully I'll have a St. Bernard or Bull Mastiff again once I get out of the Marines.
  4. F

    Private Pilot Checkride

    Congrats and thanks for sharing your experiences.