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  1. Trever Oakes

    Cincinnati Area

    First Flight Aviation at KMGY is a great school. A little further than your two mentioned options, but I did all of my primary training there and had a wonderful experience. A fleet of 152s, 172s and 172RGs. Lots of very experienced instructors from military, corporate and airline backgrounds.
  2. Trever Oakes

    Study Methods and Resources

    Hello everyone. I am preparing for a CSEL initial ride in a few weeks, and I just wanted to get some insight on how different people study for the oral portion of their checkrides, and see if there’s anything else I should try out. It feels like in terms of oral, the Commercial is a fairly...
  3. Trever Oakes

    Common vs. Private Carriage Scenarios

    Hello everyone, I am preparing to take my Commercial Pilot checkride in a month or two, and I am preparing for the oral. I know a big chunk of the oral is going over what a CPL can do and cannot do (i.e situations concerning if you can legally take a job offer or not). But I am having trouble...
  4. Trever Oakes


    Haha.. I bet you’re really fun at parties.
  5. Trever Oakes


    For someone with such a detailed template on critical thinking, I am surprised that you seem to be completely oblivious or ignorant to the tone behind this conversation. I am okay with not finding the answer of this question; the professor is a very easy grader and I’m not going to lose a letter...
  6. Trever Oakes


    Sadly, I wasn’t given any more context. I just wrote “not enough information” and turned it in. I’m not really sure what the professor was going for with the question. I find VNAV very useful during approach; the VNAV feature on the Garmin 430 is particularly nice to use because it gives you TOD.
  7. Trever Oakes


    Lol.. I did state the context of the question though. Scroll up to find where I said it was on a Human Factors paper, but worded exactly as I said above. That’s all I have to go off of. When such a question with limited context and no obvious answer exists, I come to PoA because it is a great...
  8. Trever Oakes


    I agree, PoA is a great site. I’ve learned a lot of things here. There isn’t enough time to ask instructors everything, and there’s some very smart people here. However, when people start saying things like above, at that point all it does is discourage people from wanting to learn. I’ll gladly...
  9. Trever Oakes


    To clarify, I have this question on a homework sheet for a Human Factors class. It’s worded exactly as above though.
  10. Trever Oakes


    Why do pilots use VNAV less during approach than they do during other phases of flight?
  11. Trever Oakes

    Effect of Ailerons on Angle of Attack

    I've been working on a research paper, and I haven't been able to find a solid description of this. Why does a downward aileron cause a higher angle of attack, and likewise an upward aileron causes a lower angle of attack? Is it the same as the reason why flaps cause a higher angle of attack, by...
  12. Trever Oakes

    Slips and Skids

    Hello there! I am doing some research for a paper, and I am doing research to further understand slips and skids. What makes them specifically different, and why if allowed does the stall occur the way it does in each situation. I think this is something that a lot of students don't ever really...
  13. Trever Oakes

    C172 RG Retractable Gear System

    Hello everyone! I am in the middle of commercial, and just about to get my complex endorsement. I have been flying the 172RG. I'm pretty solid with the CS Prop, but the landing gear system is still a little unclear to me. Using the diagram in the systems section of the POH. Can somebody help...
  14. Trever Oakes

    Commercial Written Question

    I think was just confused as to whether they meant the turbulent downdraft, or the wave turbulence which could be caused as well.
  15. Trever Oakes

    Commercial Written Question

    I see. I feel dumb now lol. Thanks!
  16. Trever Oakes

    Constan Speed Props ... a "Better" way to Teach It

    One of the hardest things for me was understanding that the blue lever doesn't directly change the propeller pitch. That it sets the RPM which the prop will maintain by adjusting itself via the flyweights. If someone had pointed that out, I would've understood it much quicker.
  17. Trever Oakes

    Commercial Written Question

    The question in question basically states that mountain wave turbulence is most dangerous to an aircraft downwind of the mountain flying into the wind.. I understand the downwind part, that's where the turbulence is. I don't understand how the headwind is any more dangerous than a tailwind though.
  18. Trever Oakes

    Wind Shear in Temperature Inversions

    I'm having trouble understanding why wind shear occurs in areas of temperature inversion. I've been out on calm nights where I could see a layer of fog/smog which indicated a possible inversion.It is very calm aloft but when coming in for landing, it gets pretty bumpy sometimes. Can someone...
  19. Trever Oakes

    Crosswind landing rollout issues.

    I should’ve mentioned that. I’m flying C172s. I was taught not to retract the flaps on touchdown due to the risk of pulling the gear on the ground, but most of the time I fly fixed tricycle gear aircraft. It sounds like it would help a lot with getting some traction under the wheels.
  20. Trever Oakes

    Crosswind landing rollout issues.

    Hello, first thread! I am a Private Pilot and I recently became Instrument Rated. I am training for my Commercial ticket, and right now I'm just burning away at solo hours. I've been doing cross country flights, but it has been really gusty every day lately. I have this recurring problem where...