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    Aircard and a router?

    Diana, Try to make an semi-accurate journal/diary of the situation (if you haven't already). Or just direct them to this site for the bijillion times for you posted stuff that shows that it was not fully up and running. That way you document the ongoing problems and they may just try to back...
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    Birthday fly-in/cook out at the farm

    I love the photo of the "Birthday Party Overalls". How'd that pass the "dress test". (I know that might be a "relative" inside joke, but please grant a little leeway on Diana's birthday.) Happy birthday Diana!
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    Uncle [NA]

    Get well soon.
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    Major winter storm

    Ken, Um no... I have a darn good memory about the cold and that is one reason I moved somewhere it doesn't get that way. Thanks for the welcome, but I belive my post count is now in double digits. You just have to really get my attention to have me post. I am a voracious lurker however.
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    Major winter storm

    What's with all the global warming? Hope you survived without any more loss of trees and/or power lines. By the way, it is in the low 80's today, was yesterday, probably will be tomorrow...
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    Diana - Nice Article!

    The article is wonderful. It looks pretty cool with the SA layout and your photos. Keep up the great work.
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    Charlie Brown tree

    "Should" being the optimum word in that sentence. Never trust the post office when you mail something to Hawaii to be "on-time" during the Christmas season. They have a tendency to pile things (especially bulky stuff) under a tent at the airport until those carriers that are on vacation return...
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    Charlie Brown tree

    I appreciate that the thistle seed sack still holds a special place on the tree. Knowing and seeing that tree for the last 30 plus years, you have made the best out its useful life by the decoration (which is done very well btw). I sure hope that the rest of the holiday season is as festive as...
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    Major winter storm

    Hooray! Electricity! and some limbs gone to boot. Glad you are getting back to some sense of normal.
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    Major winter storm

    Yes we have mudslides but they are extremely localized. Last year a mudslide closed the Pali tunnel for a day and a few months ago, some construction on Tantalus caused a small slide that blocked the road. There is an extremely small chance that the hill behind us would slide, but there would...
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    Major winter storm

    You know you can bake with a grill (cookies are easy), you just have to keep the lid shut. Hope they get to your power lines before Christmas. Any damage to the hanger? Raining like mad off and on for the last couple of days out here, but no loss of any critical services.
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    Major winter storm

    I'm on Oahu, warm sunny Hawaii.
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    Major winter storm

    No sense staying at the house until everything is back to normal. Pack up and go to a warmer place. I have a guest room available. Take care and keep in touch. Thanks for posting the photos also. Hope you get reconnected soon.