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  1. 4763E

    FIFI Needs Our Help

    Many of you may have seen an article from EAA this morning in Indy Transponder about the potential grounding of all military aircraft on loan from the Department of Defense. The short story is Michael Turner (R-OH) is proposing an amendment, “Title 10” to the House National Defense...
  2. 4763E

    New Year's Day Chili Lunch at Gardner KS (K34)

    Every New Year's Day at Gardner Airport (K34) we have a chili fly-in...several folks from the boards made it to the last one. I'm announcing it early so all y'all can make plans to be there. All of the local people bring chili...we have everything from traditional to chicken to venison to god...
  3. 4763E

    Maybe we should have a Gaston's sticky...

    (I know Jesse, I HATE stickies, too.):frown2: But it could be at the top of sub-forum with just a brief explanation of what it is and a link to the website...then people who don't have any idea what we're talking about wouldn't have to wonder...
  4. 4763E


    Anybody know how? Anybody know anyone who knows how?
  5. 4763E

    Gardner KS (K34) New Year's Day Chili Lunch

    Every New Year's Day Gardner Municipal Airport hosts its annual Chili Lunch for all pilots and friends of the airport. This Thursday looks like it will be a great day for flying. The event starts at noon. Many local folks bring chili and desserts and many folks from everywhere fly-in or drive in...