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  1. J

    VFR Flight Plans, useless or not?

    Why file a VFR flight plan? The better question is how long after you crash do you want to wait before someone starts looking for you? The ELT system does not always work. Your friends or family do they know your route of flight, when you left, how much fuel, etc. or who to call? So it takes...
  2. J

    Warning for younger aggressive drivers...

    Took a lllloooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time for the rate to fall down to normal. It was embarrassing especially since I'm from that area, it ain't that hard y'all.
  3. J

    Warning for younger aggressive drivers...

    Every once in a while there is a cop in the right place....waiting at the metering light to get onto 25 when a jerk in a BMW is hauling ass up the HOV entrance ramp. A Denver PD motorcycle cop, in plain view, is at the top of the ramp! When I finally get onto 25 the cop, with a big smile, is...
  4. J

    Warning for younger aggressive drivers...

    Small town near Savannah, GA put in a roundabout, rather than traffic lights, as a cost saving idea. Traffic fatalities at that intersection for first year were highest were the highest in the state! It was a slaughter house. Jon
  5. J

    Super job...

    Hey, take a look at your email Feds are proposing to do away with requiring complex aircraft for comm/cfi check ride. Jon