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    Nervous about flying

    You may be right and I'm just trying to make the right decision. But who wouldn't want to soar like a bird and enjoy the view - that's the part I enjoy and would like to do with out fear.
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    Nervous about flying

    I see you have all those great ratings. When you take a plane up are you as relaxed as when you drive a car?
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    Nervous about flying

    Then it way better! I feel like the person flying has it all together. Least they seem to so that makes me confident.
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    Nervous about flying

    Not far at all. I think it does not help that I watch a lot of crash videos. Whenever I have gone up I often am glad when I'm back on the ground. It would be great to feel as confident as a hawk and enjoy the view. I hope I can get there.
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    Nervous about flying

    Hi all, My first post and not one I wanted to start with. But here goes. I really like the concept of flying, the freedom and enjoyment. But.. whenever I've had a chance to take the wheel, feel a little turbulance, try to make turns, I start to perspire, get tense, I can't relax. I feel like...