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  1. Eric Stoltz

    Redundant "traffic" and other annoyances . . .

    I just think it's odd that pilots use the werds "teardrop entry" when AC 90-66C never mentions it. 4flight wrongfully calls it a teardrop. This is why Garmin Pilot is better. <---sarcasm, sorta.
  2. Eric Stoltz

    Redundant "traffic" and other annoyances . . .

    What about "teardrop to the 45?"
  3. Eric Stoltz

    Low Time Jobs Alaska

    I don't know. I bet if you call you'll find someone that can answer that question. I GTS it, but got old data.
  4. Eric Stoltz

    How to transition from renting trainers to purchasing a larger plane?

    I was with you up till here :) How much fuel do ya need to burn to justify owning an airplane? I'll pickle the engines and sleep on the hangar floor again to keep my plane... and I won't even have had spent any AMU's on avgas! Is Ramen still 99 cents for 24? Funny aside, I thumbed up your post.
  5. Eric Stoltz

    Change of career

    Lol my company has hired plenty of 64 year old pilots. 121 part. Check them out, fly them for a bit, make them instructors. To the op. Go get a job flying airplanes, you'll never regret giving it a shot.
  6. Eric Stoltz

    Had a good day; took some pictures

    ... and the day just kept getting better! Love these stories
  7. Eric Stoltz

    How to transition from renting trainers to purchasing a larger plane?

    Do the math. Expect to pay around 15% the value of the plane in fixing the stuff the seller didn't want to mess with in the first year. Seems like that's my average after 10 planes. Budget the insurance-hangar cost annually, write that down. Divide that by the going rental rate for a 6 seater to...
  8. Eric Stoltz

    Low Time Jobs Alaska I can vouch for the quality of their pilots. We hire everyone that applies. 1900Cs with glass and AP.
  9. Eric Stoltz

    Best of: Podcast and YouTube for Aviation

    Stefan Drury from Melbourne Australia.
  10. Eric Stoltz

    Cell enabled switch for preheater

    I use this with great success. Tanis both them.
  11. Eric Stoltz

    Garmin Autoland

    I made the "air sucking through teeth" noise reading that. Kinda cringed there when I hit the thumbs up, I did. But that was rather, er um, creatively graphic. What happened to the elk?
  12. Eric Stoltz

    Vision Jet autoland

    FIFY See above. Still, dogs need to learn to wear a uniform hat. Big ears, no excuse.
  13. Eric Stoltz

    Vision Jet autoland

    Ah, the future for dogs as off the street captains, captains going back to FOs, FOs going back to Mom and Dad's, draweth neigh. Anyone This one guy I know that has sat at the controls of an airliner attempting an autoland can tell ya a story or two said this to me in a calm, collected voice...
  14. Eric Stoltz

    Scholarships Available

    Scholarships available hosted by Alaska Air Carriers
  15. Eric Stoltz

    Air-to-Air Piper Clipper

    Purdy plane and purdy pics. It is nice to have a continuous source for desktop images. Thank you for posting all your air to air shots.
  16. Eric Stoltz

    Very good monitor deal

    Totally understand your very valid points. One generation of my set up involved an old 1080 16:9er in the vertical and a new and vastly superior 4k as primary. I liked having the vertical one for cataloging files and clips, outputting pinstaface or instabook, and my reddit feed. But, two...
  17. Eric Stoltz

    One simple question...

    Flow turning. Fidkowski explains it eloquently as I have seen. I forgot about his vid, thanks Cap'n.
  18. Eric Stoltz

    Very good monitor deal

    Why get two when you can get one? This is about the best deal if considering future proofing for at least a few years. Pretty good mix of good attributes for middle of the road in my opinion.
  19. Eric Stoltz

    Any Gopro tricks to increase dynamic range?

    Two cameras could help. One on the needles and dials, one over the shoulder out the front. Also, if you're sporty with color correction, shoot in ProTune, and try to fix it in post. Is your computer up for the challenge? What editor are you using?
  20. Eric Stoltz

    AOA in descending turns

    This is great advice. I would follow it. My advice is to follow Chip's advice.