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  1. C Arias

    Private Pilot banned From Airport KCVN

    Hell not sure if stalking is the term I'd use... I prefer "sharing my awesomeness!"
  2. C Arias

    Private Pilot banned From Airport KCVN

    Apologies I haven't posted any updates in a while. I've been allowed back on the airport although it's been a little rocky as I've been accused of loitering several times. Apparently hanging out on the airport prior to or after a flight is not acceptable if you're me!
  3. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    I did get the legal plan.
  4. C Arias

    Private Pilot banned From Airport KCVN

    I considered getting arrested but my attorney advised against it.
  5. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    AOPA has been notified and suggested the part 13 complaint.
  6. C Arias

    Private Pilot banned From Airport KCVN

    Here's a link to one of the several stories from our local newspaper on this. One things for sure there's a lot of back story!
  7. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    Just started a new thread and uploaded the document I received notifying me of my ban.
  8. C Arias

    Private Pilot banned From Airport KCVN

    I'm an FBO manager and private pilot who's been banned from my home airport with no cause given, no time of reinstatement and no real method of being reinstated.
  9. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    I've paid for and retained counsel. I'm willing and able to pay as much more as needed to move forward with this.
  10. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    If I thought it would help I would've definitely tested their resolve by attending a particular airport board meeting I'm certain they would've had me arrested for showing up to.
  11. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    This is a link to the article in our home newspaper.
  12. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    I'm afraid my local attorney although he believes I'd win in any court also doesn't think there'd be very much money awarded in a case like this. My feeling is I really don't care about the money as much as the damage to my reputation and the fact that if they get away with this today they will...
  13. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    The air tractor belongs to a friend of mine it was such a cool pic I had to show it off!
  14. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    I've filed a part 13 complaint and I would really like to file suit. I have been unable to find any cases like mine to show an attorney some sort of precedence though.
  15. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    I managed an FBO that the City of Clovis wanted to take over. They excercised "exclusive right" to sell fuel on our airport effectively putting me out of business. I am a member of a local pilot's association and we as a group started a campaign to hold the city accountable for its actions...
  16. C Arias

    Professional Pilot Banned From Airport

    I've been banned from my home airport for almost a month now I'm curious about all the details of this case. I received no cause or time frame.