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  1. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    that's not nice, if I did something wrong, i took my hand off immediately as my CFI took over the control, and I just apologize for the wrong doing for being freeze or whatever the reason was. I can tell he was mad as hell though. like how I almost developed a spin from power on stall. it's my...
  2. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    i was trying to become an atp pilot and ultimately goal is to fly international route from LA to China. my goal now is just to get PPL which looks quite challenging at the moment.
  3. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    That's how I feel, I'll find out what he's going to do with me next week, either give me to another CFI, or he'll continue teaching me. I can't look into a new school, this is the only school in san diego, california offering free ppl to veteran student.
  4. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    well, I don't blame my CFI. he's new with 300 hours or so. he basically told me "there's engine fire, what do you do?" during the flight, and I was like hmmmm. i have not been briefed or learned yet, telling him i'm gonna look for a safe landing area and going to land while making radio call for...
  5. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    simulator is free for use at the school, it helps to organized steps or procedures for flying events, but It's so different in the planes, controller and motion feels are nowhere close to.
  6. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    i had enough sleep, no fatigue, no illness, no heat exhaustion, it was 9 am in the morning. maybe i just need more flight hours to get everything remembered and can think a step ahead of time, seems like if I'm doing first maneuver wrong, I'd be off for the remaining ones. my CFI sounds like hes...
  7. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    it's a program for veteran students. we have to get our CFI in 21 month. PPL in 6 month, instrument in 6 and commercial for the rest. looks like the school is preparing us to get ppl for the minimum 40 hours, i maybe wrong, but I'm definitely the one need more than 70 hours for ppl or so. my CFI...
  8. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    San Diego, California. perfect location to learn flying.
  9. B

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    thanks. i'd be sure to review all maneuvers and try to redo them again next week to see how it goes.
  10. B

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    that's a lot rock stars here, I'm a student pilot myself, 10 hours of flight time. I'm very frustrate at this time and thinking my CFI is going to tell me quit learning due to my poor performance, poor judgement, the only thing i'm good at is positive attitude. After today's event, my CFI didn't...
  11. B

    CFIs, have you ever had to tell a student to quit flight training?

    i think my CFI is going to tell me to quit flying after today's event. I had 10 hours of flying in total, 4 hours away from doing #1 check ride and first solo, today I was totally off, can't trim the plane, dropped 400 feet for slow flight, power off stall was off a little, power on stall almost...