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  1. J

    Making hours out of the school(flying club)

    Im a foreigner pilot under an I 20 visa that got his prívate licence (part 141), instrument rating (part 141) -and about to get commercial (part 61). Is it posible for me to make the corresponding hours for timebulding out of the school (at a flying club). What should i do to validate this hours?
  2. J

    Making hours out of school

    What happens if I do time building out of the school were I am studying. Will I have trouble at the school when it comes to certify my hours? Is this possible?. I'm a part 141 private pilot currently doing his instrument rating under 141 and planning to do commercial under part 61.
  3. J

    Time building part 141

    Hi, there's a part 141 school in were the time building works the next way. The hour cost for C172 SP is $150, but if you fly with another pilot you pay $75 each. So if the flight lasted 1hr. and each pilot flew 0.5 hrs you can log your 0.5 plus the other pilot 0.5, having in total 1 hr of...
  4. J

    Holds and DME arcs IFR rating

    How many sessions (hours) is the average to domain holdings and dme arcs? wich is the best way to practice them while not on flight? How long does it should take? And after that what about approaches?, which is the time it takes the instruments rating?
  5. J

    Student pilot under 141 solo requirements.

    So As a student you are only able to make on solo and endorsed by a cfi the necesary hours required for the private certificate?
  6. J

    Enroute climb

    Why enroute climb on a Cessna 172 sp is considered as 85kt Instead of 74kt (initial climb)
  7. J

    Student pilot under 141 solo requirements.

    Is a student pilot under part 141 able to fly on solo more than the 5 hours that he needs as solo requirement?
  8. J

    From the Friendly Aviation Admin.....

    So by the time he gets to the delta Tower in order to land he is not notified to call a number it means he was not tracked?
  9. J

    Bravo aispace bust.

    Yeah definetly something to analyse and learn from. About the NASA is it necesary? Or is it better just to wait? How do you know if you get tagged?
  10. J

    Bravo aispace bust.

    Hahaha good story six papa charlie
  11. J

    Bravo aispace bust.

    Yeah I guess,it was at one corner of dfw bravo, I think that if it had messed up with the separation at the arrival to delta tower the student should have received from Tower a phone # to call right?
  12. J

    Bravo aispace bust.

    And how possible is it? Or how many days it delays for atc to contact the fbo or delta tower. After getting out of bravo (coms with bravo where not stablished)the student remained on a ground airport frecuency and then changed to delta tower frequency, he received the clearance to land. He was...
  13. J

    Bravo aispace bust.

    Why probably nothing?. Does that represent problems, is anyone able to know this? . This happend to a student pilot at dfw.
  14. J

    From the Friendly Aviation Admin.....

    Hi, what happen a if someone bust a corner and exceeds by 500 ft a floor of bravo airspace and imediatly after 1 minute descends?. And the pilot is on the frecuency of a golf airport heading towards a delta controlled airspace, both within bravo 30 nm veil?. Coms where not stablishex with the...
  15. J

    Bravo aispace bust.

    Hi, what happen if someone bust a corner and exceeds by 500 ft a floor of bravo airspace and imediatly after 1 minute descends?. And the pilot is on the frecuency of a golf airport heading towards a delta controlled airspace, both within bravo 30 nm veil?. Coms where not stablished with the...
  16. J

    GNS 530 question

    Hi, what happen a if someone bust a corner and exceeds by 500 ft a floor of bravo airspace and imediatly after 1 minute descends?. And the pilot is on the frecuency of a golf airport heading towards a delta controlled airspace, both within bravo 30 nm veil?. Does the bravo tower has a way of...