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  1. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Well said! If I didn't fully believe this, flying & airplane ownership would be one of the last things I would pursue ;) But this should not make you blind to the changes already on the horizon, trying ones best to negotiate/plan for them.
  2. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Spot on! If you do the 172P/M20J comparison @ 75% cruise, you will actually, funny enough, find that the engine+airframe depreciations per mile are nearly identical!
  3. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Exactly, 'first' is the key, making this the LAST airplane you want to buy if your intention is easy resell in the future ;)
  4. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    I am partial to this argument too, and it explains what why there is not a single 172MNP available at Controller in California at this very moment. Nearly 16k of these produced, but reality is that there are so many more buyers in the market for a $50k airplane than for one costing $150k that...
  5. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    By pointing in the Experimental direction, you are looking at the type of airplane I hope/expect to fly long term. It is not an RV9A, but those are great airplanes, as I hinted to in my first post. I just want to fly while I finish my Experimental. However, I thought that was irrelevant to the...
  6. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    I don't want to belabor this point, it is somewhat of a tangent, and you can see from my comment #25 that I fully agree the data I digged up to show differences between 172MNP models is probably not statistically significant. But ok, if you want to ask my opinion, from the data I am aware of...
  7. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Any information you feel you can share about time-to-sell, year, price relative to Vref, equipment, condition etc would be very helpful!
  8. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Just curious, once you got the hard facts nailed down, what was the rough percentage of the final purchase price that came from more subjective matters such as the condition of the airplane, plus or minus? By the way, saw the operating costs writeup for your Lance, very useful!
  9. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Very much appreciated, opening my eyes to the 182's, and confirming my original thinking around 172, was very much what I hoped to get out of this thread! Different experiences are helpful, I will definitely do some checking on insurance if I get dissatisfied with the 172/182 markets before I...
  10. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Fair enough and useful input, I was not appreciating the value avionics could bring. My skepticism is probably mostly caused by sellers who are NOT pricing their upgrades at fair market value. There seems to be a lot of them, and fairly so, it is quite a (painful) hit you take when selling an...
  11. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    I am completely with you that the H2AD engine problems should now mostly be history, either by the recommended camshaft/tappet-bodies upgrades, or by upgrade of the entire engine. But perception persists, take this small data point: Vref 1976 172M: $49k (0SMOH, default AFTT) Vref 1977...
  12. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Good insights. You should be able to price any airplane to sell at the same rate. Difficulty is of course finding that airplane in the first place, and buyer/seller may not be driven by the same factors. I may want an airplane that can later sell quickly, seller may accept leaving their...
  13. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    I don't think there is solid data available to indicate differences between time-to-sell of 172MNP models. So, order 1-3 in any way you like, I should just have bundled them together as 172MNP. However, since you asked, let me show you where I found the minor variations in 172 sales. First...
  14. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Great news, this will be much cheaper than anticipated! :happydance: I will report back in 2017 to see where we ended up ...
  15. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    There is definitely an IR waiting in my near future. But I don't like to rush into it, first building some solid VFR experience. I first focused on Mooney M20J's, they are much closer to my final mission. But I noticed no less than 6 M20J's for sale just in California in mid-December...
  16. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Well aware, but thanks for the warning ;) I am at a place with a decent number of VFR days, and will actually be including flights to Arizona. I may not quite get to 500h/year from my daily commute because of weather, but I expect to make up some of it with longer trips. Perhaps it all ends up...
  17. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Great data, pretty much just engine/airframe depreciation. My thinking has been evolving over the last month in this regard. I was not considering newer airplanes at all in the beginning, mainly thinking pricing was similar to that of a car with huge depreciations of new models. But...
  18. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    Commute (, biz & trips). Good input, I have not paid much attention to the 182's, will definitely give them a second look.
  19. P

    Easiest Airplane to Resell

    I will soon be purchasing a (temporary) airplane. Expecting to keep it for 2 years before reselling. Will probably add 1k of hours on it, all VFR with max 2 people. Cruise above 115kts and service ceiling 10k are (slightly marginal but) acceptable. I do not have any particular preferences for...