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  1. armycopter

    Harrison Ford avoids enforcement action for taxiway landing

    I don't see the big deal. I have landed on taxiways hundreds of times. In a helicopter but still :-)
  2. armycopter

    Daily Pic

    Lake Winnepasaki NH today. Happy New Year!
  3. armycopter

    Will General Aviation Survive

    I don't think it's in a death spiral at all. The flight school I finished my PPL at is going gang busters. They can't get enough planes and CFI's. I see more and more people at the FBO every time I go in. Kids too, not just older people. I just recently purchased a nice little 150 after...
  4. armycopter

    Any reason not to get a Stratux?

    I built one and use it every time I fly. I got the GPS antenna for it. Works great and gives me "some" useful traffic data but mostly I use it for weather. The traffic data is mostly 747 type aircraft at FL38. That part is not super helpful but sometimes it can be.
  5. armycopter


    That's good to know. I will pull it out and give it a try. Thanks for the tip!
  6. armycopter


    My RT328T just died, if yours works and you. want to sell cheap let me know! I'm down to just one NAV/COM which is an MX300. Thank you!
  7. armycopter

    2016 year in review

    Added PPL to my commercial instrument rotorwing. Got my HP and complex endorsements in a 182RG. Now trying to find a C150 to buy. Hope to add that to my 2017 accomplishments!
  8. armycopter

    Barnstormers has been down for days - what shall I do with my life?

    Its killing me. I've reached the end of the internet in my search for a C150. The only thing left is barnstormers.
  9. armycopter


    Welcome! I was in the navy from 89-95. Where were you stationed? I was an avionics technician (AT) in VF-11 stationed at both Oceana and Miramar. Congrats on starting flying. I'm sure you'll become as addicted as many of us.
  10. armycopter

    WingXPro7 for $19.99!

    I am a foreflight user but have been wanting to try wingx. Thanks, I just subscribed!
  11. armycopter

    Another CAPS deployment - SR22 New Mexico

    I'm from the Northeast where there is an airport every 3 miles :) losing an engine at over 11,000 feet would provide a lot of options to find an airport. Is this not the case in NM or CO?
  12. armycopter

    Complex / HP endorsements - Recommendations?

    I got the endorsement so I can fly myself to visit customers. I want to be able to get there and back a little quicker and possibly carry an employee or two. Not in a commercial pilot sense, just as a guy who wants to fly to another airport (on my own dime) and make customer calls.
  13. armycopter

    Complex / HP endorsements - Recommendations?

    Well finished up my complex/HP endorsements today. Felt good flying the 182RG and had a lot more control in the pattern. Kept it around 100 KIAS downwind and everything went well. Short fields, emergency landings, normal, crosswind, etc. Loved every minute.
  14. armycopter

    Complex / HP endorsements - Recommendations?

    Haha yes 40 degrees of flaps.
  15. armycopter

    Complex / HP endorsements - Recommendations?

    Wow, this thread is getting really good. Planning to do another flight in the 182 tomorrow. I have been couch flying and I now have a cheat sheet with a few MP/RPM combinations for each phase of flight. I already know them by heart but can't hurt to have them nearby. I'm also planning on slowing...
  16. armycopter

    Silly question about (seemingly) silly questions

    Maybe you are not in radar contact? Are you supposed to be announcing reporting points? Not sure, I have never been asked that.
  17. armycopter

    Daily Pic

    Wanted to join this thread since there are so many amazing pictures on it. Here's an oldie of me flying by the spires near Kuwait City. I think circa 2004.
  18. armycopter

    Complex / HP endorsements - Recommendations?

    I started my HP/Complex endorsement this week. Did about an hour on the ground with the instructor in the airplane and then (so far) 1.6 in the air. It's in a 182RG. It was a humbling experience and I will gladly pay for a couple of more hours with the CFI. My problem was mostly just the 40...
  19. armycopter


    Congrats! I thought I took a long time. I passed my PPL today and my first flight was Jan 1988. It sure feels great to have checked that bucket list item!
  20. armycopter

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Passed my PPL today. Stressed and studied all weekend but everything turned out fine today. Glad it's over and can't wait to take my kids flying!