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  1. F

    First and last toy grade quadcopter flight.

    ============================== Yea! But! Birds can THINK and they don't want to get hit either! A bird's prospective to a plane is direct - - They Tuck & Roll. A quadcopter <-- Not a drone! Only obama and the media call it a drone! SENSATIONALISM ya know! And it's ground based pilot are...
  2. F

    A really dumb accident

    Which Bob are you referring to? Bob from CrewDawg? If that Bob, you are HAPPILY MISTAKEN! He is alive and well and Grumpy as ever. Barry
  3. F

    A really dumb accident

    Chuck: I hope I'm not too late on this response... And NOT to pick on you. But, I have to agree with Bob. I was also taught GUMPS. But! G to me means verify not switch. Not switch UNLESS necessary. And this is done miles out, not on final. I asked this question to many a CFI: Why...