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  1. romacpher

    Hawaiian Airlines still flies its Bellanca

    Fine piece in the WSJ this morning about Hawaiian Airlines and its first plane, a 1929 Bellanca Pacemaker, which is still keeps flying (The link may put you up against the paywall, in which case, try googling...
  2. romacpher

    Arsenal of Democracy Flyover practice run Tuesday

    For those in the nation's capital, the organizers of the Arsenal of Democracy Flyover (coming May 8) are doing a one-airplane practice run Tuesday, overflying the National Mall at 12:15 p.m. It should follow the route set out on the maps on the flyover's website (don't have the URL at hand, but...
  3. romacpher

    Actors who fly GA

    Help me out, please, fellow aviators: my editors want a day-after story on Harrison Ford pegged on actors who fly GA. Off the top, I can think of Morgan Freeman, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie... Anyone else to add to the mix? Thanks.