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  1. O

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    53 hours in my student pilot training. Just completed my final hours of xc solos. Working on night landings, ATC landings, and I'll be able to experience the wonderful nerve wracking check ride. I'm nearing 6 months from start to finish and I am so hooked. IFR is next!
  2. O

    How common are near misses?..

    Indeed, Tom, it's just a matter of time when someone does sue them. It's a one man operation, and the staff at the FBO tried every tactic to work with him. From what they tell me, he is cocky, and will not cooperate with any of their suggestions. They continue to report his behavior, and has...
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    How common are near misses?..

    Many thanks, David!
  4. O

    How common are near misses?..

    Unfortunately, my airport has to share with a skydiving operation, with the pilot quite casual about his communications. He drives the CFI's crazy, because he announces the taxi, and that's it, not much else, including when he drops them out, or where....... Hes operating just inside the legal...