Search results

  1. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Just met with an instructor at pinnacle - I won't start in the air for probably another week. I used to do all of my practiced takeoffs and landings at French Valley, and slow flight and stalls over Pala. Sent from my iPhone
  2. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    I'm at kcrq also. I did all of my work up to the check ride nearly 20 years ago....going back to wrap it up finally. Sent from my iPhone
  3. M

    Starting Again

    Thanks so far guys. Funny I didn't even think if a backpack (maybe I was too concerned about my headset). Ill check that option out!! Aggiemike88 - good idea to try some friends headsets out first. Bobmrg - good point about the changes - I'm hoping king has some version change list that I...
  4. M

    Starting Again

    Hey all - I was a student pilot a long while back and I have about 55 hours and had all of my requirements met, gearing up for my checkride when my CFI (good friend) got a new job and I got married so the whole thing fell apart. I am finally going back to get my license completed. I met with...