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  1. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    Took the Extra up for a quick practice flight before the snow came...
  2. Maciej

    Any Extra 300 owners here?

    You don't have to remove the wing, there are ways to do it with it in place if you have experience with Extras.
  3. Maciej

    American Express

    Agreed, between all of the 0% offers I get and benefits from the cards it's awesome.
  4. Maciej

    Need a DPE NJ area

    I’ll send you Peggy’s info, just need to find it, she’s awesome.
  5. Maciej

    Need a DPE NJ area

    Are you talking about Peggy?
  6. Maciej

    My wife did the unthinkable today.

    Deny deny deny... lol
  7. Maciej

    My wife did the unthinkable today.

    And this is exactly how my divorce process began as well...
  8. Maciej

    Could we do an "outside turn" in our spam cans?

    Nope, in a normal plane not successfully without losing a ton of altitude. Aerobatic plane, yup.
  9. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    lol, this made my morning
  10. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    The fact of the matter is that aerobatics is one of the few remaining sports in this world that isn't entirely prevalent all over the internet. Many of the greatest contributors to the sport aren't plastered over posters but they're probably some of the most qualified pilots you'll ever meet...
  11. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    I think he needs to have someone successful at being literate and coherent do that for him.
  12. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    And again, no, don't back away from your original hypothesis there buddy, you said a world class person, not a successful person. There's a clear distinction. For the record, you didn't hit a nerve with the hobby aerobatic guys, you hit a nerve with the people that possess an IQ above room...
  13. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    Ah, we've approached the point where you're being condescending to someone because they're more successful than you and that can clearly articulate their thoughts in a logical and cohesive fashion, I love this part.
  14. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    Is it inappropriate to think that I would actually wish he was? The beating would be hilarious.
  15. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    The most hilarious part is that you're not even talking the same sport, Reno and Redbull aren't aerobatics, they're air race. And Patty doesn't participate in either. For the record, five of the Red Bull Air Race pilots though.
  16. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    Side note, the Extra she flies right now isn't even hers. But you clearly knew that.
  17. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    You're not hitting on different points, you keep trying to make the same one and tailoring it to your opinion of the quarter hour. Just stop while you're ahead, you clearly can't comprehend the argument that's being made because you don't have any idea what you're talking about. For the record...
  18. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    LOL, reading comprehension fail again. You don't know a single thing about Patty or how she's gotten to where she is. I'm a hobbyist who understands the nuance behind flying aerobatics and the path it takes to get to unlimited level, you're a keyboard warrior with zero experience that thinks...
  19. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    This is hilarious, you're clearly an idiot. You can't even stick to the same points you're arguing. Patty is a remarkable instructor, the point that keeps getting made is the fact that a newbie in aerobatics can't benefit from her observations if you don't understand the fundamental aspects of...
  20. Maciej

    Aerobatic flight schools in FL - opinions?

    As a side note, casting aside people who have no real experience and base their posts in pure speculation... I'd go with Bill Finigan and his Pitts, world class pilot, has more hours in a Pitts than James' posts on this forum if I recall, and he's the best person on the east coast to teach you...