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  1. T

    Might be ferrying a cessna 150 next week... tips?

    OP is the "5 planes for sale" blog guy. Love that blog! Have fun with the ferry flight!
  2. T

    Quick little question about number pronunciation for radio

    I got my PPL in the UK and was taught the same pronunciations. The main issue was trying to avoid slipping into a Father Ted like Irish accent after saying "runway one tree"
  3. T

    Computer that can run MS flight sim

    Head over to the forums on I have fsx - I would suggest going with x plane as it is still supported. If you must use fsx then a fast 4 core Intel cpu plus a mid range nvidia gpu should do it. Fsx isn't very good at using the multi core structure of amd cpus.
  4. T

    Cancelled flight

    A good tale for all. Great stuff 10/10 for judgement.
  5. T

    Oxygen refills

    +1 on buying a pulse oximeter. Titrate the oxygen.