Search results

  1. WOEAircraft

    Fractional Lease Cirrus SR22 at Fort Worth

    All, Good points. Let me start out by saying the airplane would not be flown for admin reasons on weekends unless there was a maintenance issue. Per contract each participant receives up to 15 overnight stays per year. That way no one participant can take the plane away from home base for...
  2. WOEAircraft

    Fractional Lease Cirrus SR22 at Fort Worth

    SMCCRAY, Good Questions. 1A. The money left over from selling shares is for; the maintenance reserve, to invest and repay the share owners after the 4 year term, to reinvest in the business and this is a for profit business so some will also be used for profit. 1B. We are looking to purchase...
  3. WOEAircraft

    Fractional Lease Cirrus SR22 at Fort Worth

    I just did a quick web search to look up the hourly rate of some SR22s. The cheapest was $258 per hour and they go up from there. I saw up to $345. So we are in line if not on the cheaper side of hourly rates. Really though this is a lease and not an hourly rental program.
  4. WOEAircraft

    Fractional Lease Cirrus SR22 at Fort Worth

    If you look around other companies are offering fractional shares of Cirrus SR22 for $200,000 buy in plus monthly fees. Granted that is for a 2013 model. We are trying to make flying the Cirrus Affordable. We chose the 2003 becasue it is the first year they installed all glass instruments.
  5. WOEAircraft

    Fractional Lease Cirrus SR22 at Fort Worth

    It's a fractional Lease 1/7 for 75 flight hours per year. The program fee (~$48,000) covers the four years and then you can get up to 55% percent of that back. You pay for fuel just like if you owned the plane and the monthlu fixed fee covers maintenance both scheduled and reserve, insurance...
  6. WOEAircraft

    Fractional Lease Cirrus SR22 at Fort Worth

    Wings of Eagles is leasing shares on a 2003 Cirrus SR22 starting early 2014 at Alliance Fort Worth (AFW). The estimated price for 75 flight hours a year is $48,000 Lease fee (in 4 years you receive up to 55% back). See the website for more information; or email
  7. WOEAircraft

    2003 Cirrus SR22 Fractional Lease at Fort Worth AFW TX

    Wings of Eagles is leasing shares on a 2003 Cirrus SR22 starting early 2014 at Alliance Fort Worth (AFW). The estimated price for 75 flight hours a year is $48,000 equity Lease fee (in 4 years you receive up to 55% back). See the website for more information;
  8. WOEAircraft

    2003 Cirrus SR22 Fractional Lease at AFW

    Wings of Eagles is leasing shares on a 2003 Cirrus SR22 starting early 2014 at Alliance Fort Worth (AFW). The estimated price for 75 flight hours a year is $48,000 equity Lease fee (in 4 years you receive up to 55% back). See the website for more information; Or email...