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  1. P

    Garmin 400 Non Waas--What GPS Approaches Can I Fly?

    I'm not IFR rated yet but does a Non WAAS Garmin 430 even show a Glide SLOPE indicator on an HSI?
  2. P

    Digital Mag Timing Rite-System

    If anyone has one of these Rite-System kits. I need a new battery for my Cube Level and dont know what version or type of battery it needs. I dont have the original battery. Lost someplace. if anyone can take a look at what I should use for a battery It would be appreciated. Direct...
  3. P

    1/2" Bulb Wind Lace

    Does this still exist?
  4. P

    X-Plane 10 and Simulator Controls Yoke,Pedals,Push Pull Throttle quadrant

    Hi Guy's, Do either of you two still have your flightsim setups available for Sale? Starting to look around for a SIM and it seems XPlane and the associated hardware will be the easiest and cheapest way to set something Up in the near future. I'm in Canada so shipping is an issue. Paul