Search results

  1. J

    Transition from 172 to 150

    Recently the FBO where I usually rent from has added a older 150 to the rental fleet. I have done all of my training and renting in a 172N and 172I. What should I expect to be different in transitioning into the 150 other than the obvious size differences? I am trying to maintain flying...
  2. J

    How bad did I screw up?

    It is with great embarrassment that I ask this.... I recently got current after a 5 year absence from flying and have flown about 6 hours with my instructor during and even some after my FR. Last weekend I took a buddy up flying just to get in the air. Where the screw up happens.... We...
  3. J

    What do you use for 3D GPS viewing of past flights?

    I recently discovered with Garmin Pilot I can export the .GPX file of my flight into other programs (web pages) to visualize the flight in a 3 dimensional moving map program. So far I have imported into Google Earth and was less than impressed. Maybe i didn't set it up correctly or something...
  4. J

    Can a Private pilot fly a company plane with passengers?

    hypothetical question for possible future use.... Can I as a private pilot in a business (non avation related business) owned plane or a plane in which the business credit card rents, fly as pic with passengers for business related travel? The purpose for the flight is purely for speed of...
  5. J

    Flight Review after almost 5 years....

    Hello all I began my adventure into aviation in 2012 where I bought Sporty's Learn to Fly course and essentially drilled it into my head and passed my FAA written before I ever found a CFI. Once I found a CFI, we completed the flight training 40 hour requirements in about 4 months. Passed my...