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    Synthetic Vision for Android is here

    Naviator just announced Synthetic Vision for Android! It is compatible with the Levil AHRS and ADS-B receiver to drive the 3D SV. Check them out: Naviator:
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    Lowering Flaps with an iPad?

    Hey Guys, Check this out! First all-iPad glass cockpit driven by Levil Technology and Vertical Power... simplicity is beautiful! Lowering Flaps with an iPad Ananda Leon Levil Technology
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    what's the next big thing?

    Hey Guys, Here at Levil we have so many good projects lined up for the future, and we need your help deciding where to put our efforts and investments first. What we do: iPad/Android compatible AHRS/GPS/ADS-B that basically turns your tablet into a complete glass cockpit and offers...
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    How-to videos -Using iPad in your cockpit

    Hey Guys, We are making some progress on our How-to-videos and thought I'd share it here for some feedback. These videos will go over some tips and tricks that you may not know about our products. Benefits of an AHRS in the cockpit: Connected...
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    iLevil AW: AD-AHRS/ADS-B receiver for Experimentals and LSA

    Check out the new iLevil AW specifically designed for homebuilts and light sport aviation! Press Release