Search results

  1. Richard

    Back to the Airlines

    Taxi? I thought you had SCMODS these days. Something about ground beacons and such for lo vis environments. (State County Municipal Offender Data System)
  2. Richard

    Short landing

    I haven't read the linked article not shall I. The thread title reminds me of a post I made some years back. I said I landed a PA-28 Warrior II in 400 feet. Some, including pilots I highly respect, said it couldn't have been done 'cept the aircraft would be unairworthy after the fact...
  3. Richard

    The Spin Zone

    Huzzah! Where oh were could I expect to find such a gem of wisdom on POA if not SZ? FT, oh no. Not even HT. For if there then some other would vociferously voice their opinion that it not be appropriately enough Aviation Related.
  4. Richard

    ASEL, no fire extinguisher on board: go or no go?

    I've carried them in every ground vehicle for decades. And at least two, usually more, in every vessel with an engine, motor, or stove. Any every aircraft other than flight school provided training aircraft. Seneca V nose fire because of battery explosion - on ground. No extinguisher. Linemen...
  5. Richard

    Movie quotes and your flying

    Proper etiquette dictates answering a quote with a quote. This is especially so when Airplane, The Movie is being discussed. Observe: it's not "Bro...." It's, 'you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue'. What can you make of this? (BTW: in the OP I almost put the...
  6. Richard

    The Spin Zone

    O, that the mods have made this announcement WRT SZ in HT. So much irony to build a battleship. Lest we forget, Chuck started POA specifically because AOPA had problems in getting their forums back up. It was the right call because AOPA came back even more heavy handed. History repeats...
  7. Richard

    Unidentified roadkill

    Naw, I didn't mention the bits and parts strewn along the debris path. I've skinned enough deer to ID the parts. Road crew? What's that? They operate of govt time. Someone mentioned the damage from deer. My brother and me were in his Dodge Tradesman van when I told him to slow up 'round the...
  8. Richard

    Movie quotes and your flying

    Jeff, you rock! That is an awesome movie. Ok, gang, Jeff set the bar. Let's see your A game. (hint: I'm thinking Charlie Sheen and manila vanilla sugar pop or something like that.)
  9. Richard

    Movie quotes and your flying

    What movie quotes would best be used in your flights? Provide quote and movie title if you please. "This flight is unofficial. Now show me what she can do." ~Flight of Fury.
  10. Richard

    Unidentified roadkill

    Some years ago I came across a gruesome sight. A blood trail maybe 1/4 mile long along the roadbed of Hiway 101 between Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo. This stretch of road is clogged during the morning commute. I imagined that someone hit the deer then each car rolled the carcass a it...
  11. Richard

    OPEC price fixing?

    But isn't it corporate entities which are the conveyors of commodities? Therefore they shall be held under anti trust? With that in mind, any law or regulation which is not universally enforced shall not present or cause any enforcement against the people of the United States. Agreed...
  12. Richard

    OPEC price fixing?

    Which is why I was careful to say, "...import to the USA...". Does US antitrust laws also apply to imports? While an organization may operate outside of the US territory (extraterritorial), the SCOTUS has found, based upon "intended effect", such operations do, in fact, fall within the...
  13. Richard

    Pet Peeves

    Why do they board the alum tubes front rows first when all passengers board from the front? Oh, so 1st Class can feel special and sit first? Well, sorry about my carry on bopping your head...just like all my seatmates with their carry on. And you paid extra for that?
  14. Richard

    OPEC price fixing?

    As this is an organization of several countries which import to the USA, how is this not price fixing and would not be in violation of U.S. anti-trust regulation?
  15. Richard

    Son Challenges the Father

    Y'all talking about ol dad kicking the snot out of the son, or vice versa. MY dad could kill any of you 17 different ways with his bare hands. Or at least he told me this often enough. And I had ample experiences to believe him. The last time, dear ol decrepit dad with not much time left...
  16. Richard

    Pet Peeves

    I read it 3 times and gave up although I got the gist. Just for that sentence I am going to go to MI to block 'lanes'.
  17. Richard

    C5 Galaxy

    That is a great picture. I remember as a kid, maybe it was Travis AFB, that I saw an entire apron of those behemoth machines standing nose to tail and 5 rows wide on the flight line.
  18. Richard

    New airport restaurant-KFUL

    I see they have a web page and a FB page. The web page either didn't open for me properly or is messed up. According to what I could see on the FB page a Fly-In Grand Opening is planned for October 10th.
  19. Richard

    Socal BBQ flyins?

    Scott, um, whatcha got? FUL just had a grand opening of the new on field restaurant.
  20. Richard

    New airport restaurant-KFUL

    If the cuisine is as good as what the new owner has done to the place he has a winner. He also owns an establishment elsewhere so hopefully he'll be a success at this new location. The online article does not mention everything the new owner has done. Example of this is the full flight...