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  1. Groundpounder

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    "Jerry Wagner" has replaced the "Leroy Jenkins" nomenclature in my vocabulary.
  2. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    Sure, no prob. It's called marketing towards a demographic to increase their customer base. Anyway, I'm not going to change your mind about this, so I will defer to the same answer I give my wife we are at an impasse, and that is "yes dear".
  3. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    You do realize that Aviate is a flight school, right? Like, a money making proposition? And trying to increase your customer base is good for business?
  4. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    I see. So trying to attract more people to start flying that are in underrepresented demographics is bad?
  5. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    How do you determine who is the most qualified to be a capable pilot when someone has zero flying experience?
  6. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    Don't fall into the media hype.
  7. Groundpounder

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    I think that was established when he tried to run over a cop car in his DC-3.
  8. Groundpounder

    WTF, over? (Video of a bad landing and go around)

    I had the same thought.
  9. Groundpounder

    Challenger Jet down in Truckee CA 7/26/21

    From what I understand, the person in the left seat was employed by the owner of the aircraft and was new to the airplane, the person in the right seat was an experienced contractor with a lot of experience in the airplane.
  10. Groundpounder

    Any rules against what you put as your flight ID?

    I know of a corporate flight department that started using a call sign without any permissions. They got a nastygram from the FSDO within a few weeks.
  11. Groundpounder

    What's up? (or down)?

    Funny, two different threads about this yet nary a peep from management
  12. Groundpounder

    How does a GTN and GNS combination work?

    Yes, if you program an airway into the GTN, the route and waypoints will crossfill into the GNS. The one thing I found the GNS cannot handle is if you load a visual approach into the GTN. Not a big deal.
  13. Groundpounder

    What is wrong with the people in the tower at HPN?? (rant)

    I used to fly in and out of HPN VFR and IFR a ton. Never had any issues, but its very busy airspace in a very complicated airspace. Sometimes you have to be flexible, and can't expect to always get exactly what you want.
  14. Groundpounder

    What's up? (or down)?

    I tried posting in another thread and kept getting an error message. Seems to be working here though.
  15. Groundpounder

    Enough jobs for the student pilot population?

    There are very few flying jobs that offer the money and QOL of a legacy airline job with a few years of seniority. Top tier corporate job, maybe, but those are very hard to get, and those can change in a heartbeat. Regarding AI replacing pilots, both United and Delta have requirements in their...
  16. Groundpounder

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    Reading through this thread makes me realize yet again how lucky I am. My wife has been with me through a large portion of my career and has put up with the associated BS like a trooper. It helps that we don't have kids, that's for sure.
  17. Groundpounder

    Second GPS Unit

    It would be worth the extra money. An old GPS may not have any factory support left, and if it breaks you may end up having to spend even more money to put in the modern unit you should have in the first place
  18. Groundpounder

    Second GPS Unit

    I would do a gtn650 and a 175. That way they can talk to each other and you don't have to worry about reprogramming the other unit during some sort of failure. What are you doing for a 2nd com unit? You could always do a nav/com of some sort, that way you have the ability to navigate if the gps...
  19. Groundpounder

    GFC 500 install quote is outrageous

    The rule of thumb is to take the cost of the hardware and double that, and that is your total price with labor.