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  1. P


    Thanks Ghery will make changes.
  2. P


    Thanks IAPTBAA, I go to the online world wide campus and am located in Georgia. For the most part I have enjoyed ERAU as a school. I would like them to be more open on letting their students choose their thesis topics, but the classes I have taken have been beneficial. Especially the ones...
  3. P


    Thanks Corey, I will change.
  4. P


    Actually I got my private along time ago when I just got into college. Didn't go to ERAU for flying but unfortunately its been 10 years or so. I figure it will be 30+ hours for me to get back in. Forgot most of everything and went to get my master at ERAU for management, but for the thesis...
  5. P


    Thanks for those that answered. Murphey, E.R. does make us jump through hoops to get our masters. My thesis was business and health related but they makes us do something aeronautical related. I actually have my VFR, but haven't flown since I can't afford to do my masters and keep current...
  6. P


    Hello Everyone, I am trying to complete my thesis at Embry Riddle and need help with my study. Can you please take this survey which only has 7 questions regarding your training and VFR cert. Thanks for the help.