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  1. W

    PSA (Public Service Announcement)

    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Dave and others, First, thanks for all your concern. She is doing pretty good. The tissue in the area they worked on is swollen (as expected), and there is some pressure on the spine (also expected). But she...
  2. W

    I never had this problem

    This person must have done it wrong. I always used this method for babysitting.:goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :rofl:
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    PSA (Public Service Announcement)

    About a month ago, my Cocker Spaniel kid (4 yrs old, in good health), came in from doing her business outside in the backyard. She made a rapid run around the upstairs, then ran downstairs, and STOPPED with a yelp. I was confused. She sat there and would not move. After a bit, I tried to...
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    Good new from the FAA

    Sounds like the FAA is moving into the 20th Century! Woo Hoo.:cheerswine: :D
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    n/a unsending email n/a

    I am not sure of the effectiveness, but in MS Outlook, you can "recall" sent mail. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't; I think it depends on how the mail is handled at the arriving site server/mailbox.
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    The new AOPA Pilot Magazine

    11 gals? Thats about what it would take to start one side on my dads' old BE-18.:D
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    No dissemination from me if you'll pass it to me too. :) Officer & Gentleman's Word on it.
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    Just an interesting techie site

    Noodling around last nite and stumbled onto this one. No doubt most real tech geeks know it already, but....interesting stuff abounds.
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    Nancy Lynn on CBS Sunday Morning

    Sure is a lot of copying Kent.
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    Abuse of authority....almost

    Actually, he was slick on top. With a buttload of really tacky tatoos. If he was kin to you, well, I'll assume that he was having a bad evening.
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    Abuse of authority....almost

    I think this guy is what would be called an outlier. An anomaly. I do not think he represents anything more than someone with a case of male organ envy. As I said, the real police apologized, and that was all I needed to hear.
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    Abuse of authority....almost

    Not 100% sure Chuck. He did get a ride in police car though.:D
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    Abuse of authority....almost

    Was in CT
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    Abuse of authority....almost

    Sunday nite, i was in a hotel on a business trip. 3 coworkers and I were discussing strategies and points for a presentation we were to give on Monday. Occasionally we'd hit on things like Joe Lieberman, John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi and how the (D) side was not exactly in favor of robust...
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    ...And Comcast gets the last laugh

    Nick - go to work. Pass out and have to be taken out by ambulance. It would make great news - especially when you tell them that you were told to come in or be fired.....maybe get all in the office quarantined too.
  16. W

    NAS Norfolk runway obstruction

    *WHEW*, I was going to ask the guy if he was running for office. Or maybe saw that Purple Jesus jammin' with ZZ Top and Kinky Friedman. Maybe it was the mushrooms....LOL. Thanks Spike
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    NAS Norfolk runway obstruction

    For some reason I cannot open either link, but I assume they indicate it is/was a hoax. Interesting as one guy on the Ike passed it to me long ago. Now I will be forced to ask him if he actually saw it or.....
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    OK, so sometimes, things don't go so well...

    I know you are doing so, but hang in there. The bumps in the road are there to build character. I have been told that the Maker never gives us more than we can handle. Pax Vobiscum
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    NAS Norfolk runway obstruction

    Greg, I seem to recall it happening when I was on active duty sometime between 1990 and 1996. Those guys at NAS didn't really want to talk about it much.
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    I've been really ****y lately....

    Hey Nick - it's all temporary. And if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. Not that you did anything to spin me up, but I think most folks can relate and will forgive. Isn't that part of (a) being a Christian, (b) being a lib, (c) being a conservative, or (d) being a human? Almost...