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  1. D

    BUMMMFITCHH, pre-landing checklist questions

    Hello, I am just reading up on some of the different checklists people use for different phases of flight, and came across the wiki article on BUMMMFITCHH, or OBUMMPFFITCHH as they say. O - Open carburettor heater B - Brakes free U - Undercarriage down and locked M - Mixtures M - Magnetos M -...
  2. D

    Cessna 172 Nose Wheel Strut Spec: 5.15 - 5.30 inches?!?

    Hello, I have heard everything from "two" to "four" fingers of chrome showing on the nose wheel strut. Trying to see where this number came from I checked the maintenance manual (both pre 1976 and 1977 - 1986), both manuals list "5.15 in MIN to 5.30 in MAX". I'm no bear, but the palm of my...