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  1. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    Thank you.
  2. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    More than likely, it’ll be vfr in the caravan, build to IFR mins, fly the caravan some more, then eventually transition to the pc12. And it’ll be in the interior.
  3. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    I can’t say I’m jumping for joy at the thought of it, but I’m willing to fly in reasonable conditions. I tend to lean on the side of caution, but it is certainly a reality up here. I’d prefer to be above or below it if I could.
  4. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    Good to know
  5. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    What do you all consider “the right questions” to ask? What do you want your students, coworkers, SICs, to know?
  6. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    I’ll be operating in the interior out of Fairbanks, though Juneau looks like a beautiful place to fly around. I’d love to make it down there sometime! Sorry, I’m not sure I’m following what you’re referring to here, is this part of an AC? I’ve heard the VFR checkride is basically an IFR check...
  7. MulePilot

    135 Ground School

    Hey all, I’ll be attending a 135 ground school in about a month for single-pilot VFR ops in 208s and PC12s in Alaska. I’m trying to gauge what I should be studying prior to, and in addition to, the class. As it is, I have some manuals and documents pertaining to the 208, but what else should I...
  8. MulePilot

    Next word that comes to mind...

  9. MulePilot

    Low Time Alaska Flying Opportunites?

    Do certain areas in Alaska have longer lead times for cargo or is it pretty much the same around the state? I imagine with so many operators flying mail it can’t be too bad.
  10. MulePilot

    Low Time Alaska Flying Opportunites?

    I don't think I found the right person. The only matching member that came up has had no activity since creating the account two years ago. Am I missing something?
  11. MulePilot

    Low Time Alaska Flying Opportunites?

    Hi all. I've been researching potential employers for once I've finished my Com. single and multi, and have fallen in love with Alaska. I learned of an opportunity flying Aztecs and 172s for a survey outfit based in Anchorage, called JAV Imagery, and I am intrigued as to what else is out there...
  12. MulePilot

    Beginning Multi Training

    Hey guys, A while back I had posted a thread looking for opinions on whether to pursue my commercial certificate in a G1000 172S, or in a steam gauge B58, before moving to corporate aviation. Overwhelming, the response was to feed two engines over the magenta line. I want to thank everyone who...
  13. MulePilot

    Beginning Multi Training

    I'm ambitious!
  14. MulePilot

    Beginning Multi Training

    It’ll be a B58.
  15. MulePilot

    Beginning Multi Training

    Hey guys, A while back I had posted a thread looking for opinions on whether to pursue my commercial certificate in a G1000 172S, or in a steam gauge B58, before moving to corporate aviation. Overwhelming, the response was to feed two engines over the magenta line. I want to thank everyone...
  16. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    To be honest, I don't think I'll be closing on a plane relatively soon, but my best-estimated mission profile is hops of 400nm or less, with at least one passenger and plenty of baggage. Later on, that will grow to a family with little ones. Plus the occasional flight with 4 pax is entirely...
  17. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Sorry, I’m flying plenty of Skychickens right now, ready to go back to a low wing bird. Thanks for the input though. ;)
  18. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Based on the fact you have a Venture, I’m sure going slow isn’t quite your forte. :)
  19. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Looking at the Bo, 6 place configuration, is club seating the only viable option? I’ve heard the middle seats can be flipped but doesn’t that create a w&b issue?
  20. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Ain’t that the truth.