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  1. SkyChaser

    A Socio economic discussion about boomers.

    I grew up in a small town with 1 bed apartments renting for about $500/mo and they had a small library open part time every day except Sunday and Monday so perhaps I am skewed in that regard. If you don't have a library, it makes marginally more sense to get a smartphone. That said, even $150...
  2. SkyChaser

    A Socio economic discussion about boomers.

    If we're talking cheapest, it is most likely much cheaper to get a pay-as-you-go flip phone from Walmart and use the local library's computers. I wouldn't classify a cellphone as a luxury, but a lot of smartphones today fall into that category. No one *needs* an iphone or a Samsung that folds...
  3. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  4. SkyChaser


    Putting aside the effects of religion, as that discussion is against the rules... Without absolute truth, morality means nothing. Without morality, the primary concern is looking out for Number One before all else. A "me-first" mindset leads to "anything goes, as long as I get to control what...
  5. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  6. SkyChaser

    Weird ways to get fired at work

    I worked two jobs simultaneously for a while in college - "on the clock" for both of them at the same time. But one job was sitting with an elderly wife of a professor who had MS who needed someone in the house with her in case an emergency or fire happened and the other job was hemming choir...
  7. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  8. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  9. SkyChaser

    What's For Dinner?

    We're on a little vacation, and needed a quick dinner so I fried us up some quick beef fajitas tonight. This cabin has a gas stove and I am enjoying it a lot!
  10. SkyChaser

    What's For Dinner?

    I didn't see a Thanksgiving thread, so putting these here. Since Thanksgiving this year was just the two of us, we didn't go all out but had enough to make it feel festive. We'll make up for it at Christmas. :)
  11. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  12. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  13. SkyChaser


    You might want to consider adding that to the title of your post or at least to the body of your first post, if not making a whole new thread with that as the title. You might be more likely to catch the right eye that way.
  14. SkyChaser


    What career path exactly are you hoping to follow? I am neither a professional pilot or aircraft mechanic, so I can't help with the interview aspect. However, if you could clarify who you are hoping to interview, that could help others determine if they fit your desired profile. There are...
  15. SkyChaser

    The "Back in my day" Thread

    That is wild. When I figured out the cost per hour I was paying to rent the 1976 Archer I used for private training three to four years ago, it came out to about $102/hour wet. And that wasn't block pricing, just what it rented for at the time - and it was even well maintained! Location really...
  16. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  17. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  18. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  19. SkyChaser

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  20. SkyChaser

    Important aspects of flying (outside of passing the checkride) that a pilot should learn for PP.

    Wouldn't it just be more cost effective and simpler to just teach the pilot to utilize all flight controls in the plane he is doing most or all of his training in? If you have one available, sure, take him for a flight in a taildragger and have him shadow you on the controls so he can feel how...