I want to go to OSH 2024... BUT


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 28, 2018
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I have wanted to go to OSH for a very long time, and have never made it. My Dad will be 71 next year, and is a dream of his too. We live up in Vancouver Canada. The problem is, there is already NO accommodations for 2024. I don't think dorms will work for us... especially Pops is past that... same for camping. What would you recommend? I don't mind driving in from surrounding areas, but even those are booked up.
They used to have a housing office that had local people renting out rooms for the week. I did that in 1999 and 2000. VERY nice family. Second time, the guy handed me keys to his truck and said he didn't need it that week as he was riding his bike to work.
I have wanted to go to OSH for a very long time, and have never made it. My Dad will be 71 next year, and is a dream of his too. We live up in Vancouver Canada. The problem is, there is already NO accommodations for 2024. I don't think dorms will work for us... especially Pops is past that... same for camping. What would you recommend? I don't mind driving in from surrounding areas, but even those are booked up.
+1 for AirBnb. There are quite a few properties pretty close. If you don't mind staying 30-45 minutes away, your options expand quite a bit.
Isn't there a bus from Appleton every morning/Evening of the show? That may be a good option.
Don’t write off camping in a rental rv. Being able to take a break during the day beats having to leave the field. My worst experience by far was staying in a nice hotel in Fond du Lac.
Don’t write off camping in a rental rv. Being able to take a break during the day beats having to leave the field. My worst experience by far was staying in a nice hotel in Fond du Lac.
What kind of rate per night do those typically run, and what site would anyone recommend to use for booking those?
What kind of rate per night do those typically run, and what site would anyone recommend to use for booking those?
I have No first hand knowledge, but I talked to a couple at the Triple Tree Fly-in that used the Outdoorsey app. They had it arranged that the local owner delivered and set it up for them before they arrived.
What kind of rate per night do those typically run, and what site would anyone recommend to use for booking those?
RVShare.com. It will vary by owner, but there are a number of owners that offer delivery, setup, and pickup from campsite of your choice within a certain radius of their location.
That is the dilemma. Flying in is nice, I arrived in the afternoon and it wasn’t that busy, but the remaining parking spots are so far away it’s annoying. Camping next to your airplane is fun if you have a good spot, minus the not having air conditioning. At night it got cool so it wasn’t an issue.

I’m still thinking if I want to fly in or just drive up for a full day.

The Wednesday or Saturday night air show is a must!
I could go right now & get a place to stay, could be 1.5 hours away, maybe it’s costs a lot. Things change, people cancel.
The showers weren't bad in the North 40.
However, the horrendous condition of the toilets was enough for lingering PTSD.
A camper would be worth it just for that and the A/C
Don't count out the dorms, I stayed in the ac dorms and it was quite comfortable. The shuttle is right outside the building and the cafeteria food was actually not bad.
Don’t write off camping in a rental rv. Being able to take a break during the day beats having to leave the field. My worst experience by far was staying in a nice hotel in Fond du Lac.
Why was it the worst experience? I was thinking of doing that in 2024. I understand they have a shuttle to Air Venture.
Why was it the worst experience? I was thinking of doing that in 2024. I understand they have a shuttle to Air Venture.
The only way to cool down, sit in a comfortable chair, or eat a reasonably priced meal is to hike back to your car and leave the grounds. Eight hours walking in the heat is a bit much for us. Besides, half the fun is after the show and meeting new people. You miss a lot by heading back to the hotel at five. Kinda like going to a show vs. participating in it. After trying an rv, we‘ll gladly give up a hotel swimming pool for an on-site base with a/c.
I have stayed at the Fairfield on Koeller next to the airport and various hotels from Fond Du Lac to Appleton. NEVER been able to make reservations a year out. IIRC, you have to wait until November. It might be different now.
Timely post, wasn't able to make it this year either but really hoping to take my dad next year, too.
The only way to cool down, sit in a comfortable chair, or eat a reasonably priced meal is to hike back to your car and leave the grounds. Eight hours walking in the heat is a bit much for us. Besides, half the fun is after the show and meeting new people. You miss a lot by heading back to the hotel at five. Kinda like going to a show vs. participating in it. After trying an rv, we‘ll gladly give up a hotel swimming pool for an on-site base with a/c.

I've done it both ways and I can't say I strongly prefer one over the other. Unless you get lucky, your tent may not be under a tree, and it may not be necessarily any closer than the parking lot. When camping, I always found myself having to go into town at night to get some thing. Not many healthy eating options on site for me. The south bound traffic flows much more efficiently. Going north along Poberezny Rd into the commercial district (and navigating those crazy traffic circles) can take just as long as going south along I-41 to Fondu Lac. But I do agree with the sentiment about going to a show vs participating in it. But that also depends on how many people you are traveling with. If you are a solo traveler, there isn't much to do when things start winding down. At least at a hotel, you can check email and catch up on other stuff (like I am doing right now). But parking will still cost you almost as much as camping ($25 vs $35).
A lot of hotels don't accept reservations this far in advance. Keep an eye open.

You can get hotels in Madison or Milwaukee at the last minute.
I could go right now & get a place to stay, could be 1.5 hours away, maybe it’s costs a lot. Things change, people cancel.
Yes, I live 1.5 hours away, and there are lots and lots of rooms available here. You could probably find a room in Stevens Point, which would be one hour away from Oshkosh. Green Bay is an hour away, but probably gets busy because it's a Class C with good services when IFR. You could also check Waupaca and Wautoma, both closer but smaller towns with fewer rooms.
I'm staying at an Airbnb in Appleton.
$800 for the whole week.

It's great. The Uber's are starting to add up but a bed, shower, and Wifi are nice.

This is how I will do it every year now.
I'm staying at an Airbnb in Appleton.
$800 for the whole week.

It's great. The Uber's are starting to add up but a bed, shower, and Wifi are nice.

This is how I will do it every year now.
Is it hard to find a Uber from OSH back to Appleton? Bet that AirBNB AC is nice right about now.
Car said it was 77degrees when I left after the night air show, a bit toasty. The shower at home was great!
Did anyone find the heat pretty excessive this time, or is it just me getting old?
Did anyone find the heat pretty excessive this time, or is it just me getting old?
In moderation it’s fine, and I carried a huge water jug in to keep hydrated. When sitting down having some shade helps (thus why my photos were from next to an airplane wing). Probably need a shower break planned.
The only way to cool down, sit in a comfortable chair, or eat a reasonably priced meal is to hike back to your car and leave the grounds.
To each their own, but my tent was air conditioned, had a very comfortable chair, plenty of food and our group had a very well equipped bar. One night our bar even had live music. :)

I like Green Bay but you need to rent a car same with Madison.
Did anyone find the heat pretty excessive this time, or is it just me getting old?
I was there yesterday. It was pretty bad in the afternoon. Shade helped a bit, but the humidity kicked my butt.
The heat plus humidity was oppressive. And I can only assume Wisconsin has outlawed air conditioning. There was none to be found on the grounds.
That’s more of an EAA thing. Every year they push a little bit further in trying to find out how much less they can do while charging more. No more Monday concert, because covid. No golf carts roaming the grounds helping handicapped people like last year. Can’t expect an organization that doesn’t want vendors giving away free water to care if someone gets heatstroke.
There was a tent in the North 40 that had eight 18”x36” solar panels with an air conditioner hooked up to it. :)