Close to home - 10C Galt Fld, Wonder Lake, IL


May 15, 2020
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Especially rough when it happens to someone you know. Condolences to you and the pilot’s family.
I knew Claude. Great guy. Local speculation is he had to avoid another plane not following proper pattern rules and lost control in a stall. He had all the toys... P-51, Stearman, Extra 300, etc. His hangar was the place to hang out.
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Sorry for you loss. I've only had it happen once, but it's not just sad when you lose someone you know to an accident. It somehow seems to bring home the concept that this thing we do sometimes ends badly.
Sorry for you loss. I've only had it happen once, but it's not just sad when you lose someone you know to an accident. It somehow seems to bring home the concept that this thing we do sometimes ends badly.
I barely knew him. Only met a few times. But yeah, the sad realism that this fun hobby could end in tragedy has made it less fun
I knew Claude. Great guy. Local speculation is he had to avoid another plane not following proper pattern rules and lost control in a stall. He had all the toys... P-51, Stearman, Extra 300, etc. His hangar was the place to hang out.
I'll add that to my list of speculative stories I've heard.